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Loving Inspiration

vintage caravan cakes happy lady
Emily & The Curious Cakery

Loving inspiration and joy are flowing from one of our neighbours in the village.

Emily held a dream to have her own baking shop, and high set-up costs prevented her from turning that dream into reality until she spotted an advert for a vintage caravan for sale across the hills in deepest Yorkshire. Emily and Jayne (her wife) went to have a look and brought the caravan home. Jayne renovated it and Emily started going out to local events selling her yummy cakes.

The Curious Cakery was born.

Emily, being a kind soul, gifted any leftover cakes from these events to her neighbours and this sparked another idea. Jayne built her a little shed that sits on top of their front garden wall, and inside there is an honesty box, a PayPal QR link and little shelves filled with Emily's cakes.

I spotted the shed on my way home and Emily was re-stocking the shelves, in her pretty pinny with a happy smile on her face. Loving energy flowed from her and my heart soared. It was the next day I saw an article in our local paper and understood what Emily and Jayne had created.

The next time I went past, I bought one of Tim's favourite cakes, covered with blackcurrant jam and desiccated coconut, because they remind him of his Nan and her baking. It was delicious.

Each time we drive past, we smile. It's the school summer holidays here, and there is always someone buying cakes from Emily's shed. Mum's and Dad's taking their little ones out, teenagers on bikes and people like us stopping as we drive past. Sometimes we see Emily leaning on her front gate, chatting to her happy customers.

With loving universal synchronicity this week, another creative lass, Hannah, (who looks after my hair), shared her research and development in the product line she is creating and we had a wonderful chat.

This loving inspiration and creativity are happening in our communities and I am certain this is one of the keys to our future.

Change starts at a grassroots level and the connections we nurture between each other. In our neighbourhoods, ideas are being fed with loving energy, and the growth is inspiring and heartwarming. 🩷


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Clare Pooley
Clare Pooley
Aug 20
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

What a fabulous story Jane!

Jane Sturgeon
Jane Sturgeon
Aug 21
Replying to

Thank you, lovely Clare. Much love to you all. xXx 🩷


Aug 16
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

A lobely story, Jane. I agree, grassroot endevors foster lasting change. - John W. Howell

Jane Sturgeon
Jane Sturgeon
Aug 19
Replying to

Hello John, thank you. Our love to you, Mrs H, Twiggy and Tempeste. Xxx ❤️


Aug 16
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Delightful, absolutely delightful!!! I am filled with love's joy reading this, Jane. - your friend, Annette Rochelle Aben

Jane Sturgeon
Jane Sturgeon
Aug 16
Replying to

Aww, thank you, Annette. My love to you. Xxx 🩷

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